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School and Education

“We elicit from the world what we project into the world; but what you project is based upon what happened to you as a child.” Dr Bruce Perry

My experience of working within school and education settings includes; direct counselling 1-2-1 with children, running small groups, supporting teachers and staff with understanding children's behaviour and also being available to talk to parents, and discuss strategies that can be put in place in home.


Over the years my passion for this work has organically grown. Witnessing a person's personal individual growth, determination and empowerment is a privilege and it continues to steer me to increase knowledge, which can then be shared with others. Much of my approach is influenced by the research and practice of Dr Bruce Perry, Dr Dan Siegel and Dr Bessel Van der Kolk; their work has been instrumental in describing how childhood and life experiences experiences, including neglect and traumatic stress, change the biology of the brain and impact our body and nervous system. 


I have expanded my knowledge in this area by training in Developmental Trauma (Beacons House), Emotional Literacy (South East Psychology), Early Years Mental Health (Young Minds) and also Polyvagal Theory (understanding our nervous system). 

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“For years mental health professionals taught people that they could be psychologically healthy without social support, that “unless you love yourself, no one else will love you.”…The truth is, you cannot love yourself unless you have been loved and are loved. The capacity to love cannot be built in isolation” Dr Bruce Perry

Children who don't conform, who struggle to follow the rules and who seem to do whatever they can to avoid the classroom, can be a really struggle for the adults who are working with them. It can make the classroom feel like a constant battle. But beneath the behaviour is a reason; part of the child's lived experience that has altered their internal sense of safety. 


School is the great opportunity for children and young people to develop lots of positive relational connections. These connections are required to buffer the impact of fractured connections and negative relational experiences that occur (and have occurred) for children and young people who are recovering from a tough start to life.


We've all heard the saying; 'it takes a village to raise a child.'


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